Wednesday, June 11, 2003


So I've got the basics pretty much working. Just need to add apps. The prob is, PocketPC is just kinda sucking. And even if I get some of the apps I've been thinking about going, I don't see a lot of users having always-on internet AND a GPS connection. At least any time soon. I've got to believe at some point this is going to happen, I just don't know when. I'd guess at least three years, but who knows.

I think I'm gonna go take a break for a while - been using streamripper32 for a while now. Like it, but it really sucks, so am thinkin about doing something about that.

Sunday, June 1, 2003


I've gone downtown Columbia a couple of times with the laptop - annotated around the state house, USC, and downtown. When I walked back around those locations, it popped up the info and a pic (like, what statue on the state grounds I was standing next to). VERY VERY COOL!!!! Only downside was no wireless, so the laptop had the web server running in it. Guards gave me some funny looks, but didn't bother me.

Sunday, May 25, 2003


Just saw the Matrix: Reloaded, again. Very cool movie. Picked up a lot of stuff the second time around. I’ll be very interested in seeing what the next is like (and what’s REALLY going on, hehehe). I’m betting on the whole “Matrix in a Matrix” thing.

I haven’t been writing in this much, or working on AE as much as I’d like, but I HAVE been making progress. I actually put the first PocketPC version of LocationAlert up on SourceForge this afternoon. It doesn’t remember stuff (login, selected group, settings) and you can’t Annotate a location yet – but it works fully beyond that. I ended up writing a very neat Worker Thread that does the actually requests to the Web Service. Basically you post a message to the thread; it does its thing, and then posts a message back to you. Works VERY nice. It’s a huge improvement over the VB one, as the interface doesn’t generally loc up (only exception to that is the settings page, which I may nor may not deal with)

I’ve actually created a generic library, which that threading is part of, which I’m going to release as a separate project. It could be the basis for any MFC program to interact with AE. I then may write a COM wrapper, so it can be used from any program, which would be even nicer. It’s on PPC right now, but as far as I know I should be able to move it straight to Windows

I plan on finishing up LocationAlertCE now (all I really have left is to remember stuff, and be able to annotate a location). Then an installer and it should be set. I’ll probably then move to working on the off-line version (which may or may not be the same program). It will only be able to Annotate right now, but that’s OK, as I really NEED something like that to Annotated the area, at least where I can’t get a wireless network. Later on I MIGHT let it download and work offline (but I have a feeling memory on the PPC will rear its ugly head if I do that)

After that, I think I’m going to do “GeoNotes”, which will be a much more bare-bones program. Show the closest location on a single page, be able to flip through pages (closest to farthest), and Annotated (“note”) a location. This will be the first non-techie AE-enabled program that I’ve done. The LocationAlert programs are what I really consider to be the reference software. That is, the thing that tests all the basic features of AE, and shows how to do everything. GeoNotes will be the first attempt at a more mass-appeal application of the technology.

On another note, I’ve continued to think of ways to make money at this. It occurred to me that getting “Complete” PocketPC (or Pilot) hardware together will be a bit complex. The ultimate system would have a WiFi card, GPS, AND a Camera. The software would use all three to Annotated locations (so basically press a button, add a note and upload the lat/long, note, and pic to the main site). REALLY nice, if I can get to that point.

Sooo… If that’s even possible to do, I could sell custom (for now) built PocketPC that have all of that. And maybe the software will be JUST for custom PC’s (or the first that I sell, if you buy it alone). Order all the stuff, put it together, ship it out, make a hundred (???) or so on each. Not something I want to do full-time, but maybe a way to make cash to cover my ever rising experiences, and something I might be able to spin off into a company later on.

Speaking of companies, one of the big things I’ve got left to do is incorporating. Not something I’m looking forward to, as I’ll have to deal with the accounting/tax/etc.

But, I am coming out of the base development now (Wahoo!). It’s just about time to start handling more the business side (form the company, try to find partners, maybe get more serious about finding an investor). My primary concern is how much more it’s going to cost. I’ve already been pumping my spare (and not so spare, sometimes) money into this. I wish I had a pile of it to do all the things that need to get done (like… hire people, hah). I think I’ll have enough money next month to finance the incorporation, at least.

Monday, April 21, 2003


Still working hard on AE, I just haven’t had much time in the last few weeks. I’ve been steadily working on making the web site working better (nailed voting tonight, works much better now).

Most of my time has been spent working on the PocketPC application. I’ve almost finished a wrapper around the HTTP Calls/XML return (pass some params into a function, get a CList or Map back that has the return data). It should make it much easier for someone to develop new stuff. I’m using it for app that logs in, allows the user to type lat/lon and distance, and returns those locs for group 1. The big pieces to finish are the COM port/GPS device stuff, and configuration.

I originally was going to just write it in eVB, but after using the environment for a few hours, I gave up in disgust. VB 6 is bad enough, but eVB sucks sooo very bad. So, I’m doing it in embedded Visual C++, and actually using MFC. Kinda nice, in that I did MFC for so long, it’s pretty easy to write GUI apps. But it’s still a pain, in the API set available on the PocketPC is reduced, and they did some really STUPID things. Like, normally you do a SelectNode with a param, and it returns a result. So WHY on the PocketPC is the result passes as a param? I’m not complaining about the style of doing return codes that way, but now instead of just copying code I already have done, I have to re-write everything  yuck.

I saw NY City is putting in a big public WiFi network next month. I’m going to investigate it a bit, and if it looks like I can just use it, I may plan a long weekend trip to NY soon, to set up a guide. I need to get the Pocket PC app fully working, as it’s a pain dragging around the laptop.

Tuesday, March 18, 2003


Well, something somewhat interesting. I just noticed a article I posted on Slashdot was accepted. It’s not ABOUT AE (damn! Hehehe), but it’s about GPS and the upcoming war. The interesting thing is, that means a LINK to AE will be on the main Slashdot page, as the URL you get when you click on my name (ward99). Woot! Hehe, should see some big traffic from that, based on the last time it happened.

Monday, March 17, 2003

Location Alert

Wowza. I took LocationAlert and added the ability to Annotated locations. So I may not write LocationAnnotation at this point, as LocationAlert does it. It’s VERY cool. Simple to use, and does exactly what I want. I guess I’m ready to do the PocketPC 

On that note, I installed the SDK this weekend and wrote a simple app, but as soon as I ran it blue-screened XP. Fun. It was trying to access the PDA hooked up to the machine, and, as I haven’t bought one yet, didn’t like it I guess. Guess it’s time to spend yet another $600 bucks *shudder*. I’m tyring not to think how much cash has been poured down AE at this point. If you start calculating my time in, the total cost is starting to get a bit high (and the personal, both in$$$ and personal time work on it)

I’m actually thinking of taking a break soon, I hope after I have something on the PocketPC. I’m starting to get burned out, and my day job is suffering. To this point, I’ve been able to do everything on weekends or (sometimes) weeknights, without the day job getting hit… but last week I was so fried from trying to do both for the last few weeks, that I was kinda flaky, and didn’t get much work done.

Oh… had a post about AE (specifically, the IraqiList) so I’ve been getting a fair amount of traffic, at least a few hits a hour. And several people have used IraqiAlert AND LocationAlert. Nifty! 

I want to try harping IraqiAlert, as I think it has the potential for some press. As the war is about to start, I’m running out of time. I’m going to research Iraqi Troop movements, troops that might have bio/chem. Weapons (as was rumored today). That would be a good addition.

Saturday, March 15, 2003


Well, I kinda cranked on a bunch of stuff tonight, the biggest being the release of LocationAlert. It’s basically a generic version of IraqiAlert. The user can login in as different users (or guest), and choose what group they want to be monitoring. And it returns a list of locations instead of just one (within a user-selectable radius). The user can configure settings (like com port and baud, finally) and it saves/loads settings from the registry. It actually looks pretty damn good, considering I basically ripped the code from IraqiAlert and just made it better. I need to do some testing when my laptop gets back, but it seems to work REALLY well.

The next app will be the location submitter – ah, um, “Location Annotation”? Maybe. I don’t know, I’ll have to think about that a bit.

The first version will only allow the user to take a note for the current location. Once they’ve done that, it goes up to the server, and then they’ll have to edit from there if they want to do anything to it. I really need this app, to start mapping out things. Once the two of these (location alert and location annotation) are working well, then I’ll be ready to move to PDA’s. But I need to use these two to really test out the technology.

I’ve kinda given up on finding wireless in Columbia. I may try to track down someone at USC and see if they’re interested in doing some kind of R&D partnership (doubtful, I’d guess, knowing USC). I’ve thought about just putting the laptop and a WiFi router in my car, and trying to have basically a mobile WiFi node. Park it downtown Columbia, enter a bunch of locations, test. Move the car, repeat. Do something on the USC campus. The only problem is I’m not willing to leave my car on for long periods of time, and I don’t want to run fully off of the battery for the WiFi. If I can figure out a way to just run the 12 volts or whatever off the router, off the car, then... Maybe. We’ll have to see. If I can do that, then I can load the AE server onto the laptop, and configure the software to point there. Kinda cheesy, but hey, It’s Columbia *sigh*

Oh yeah, I’ve posted info about AE on several web forums that deal with location-aware, or GIS or GPS devices. Getting a few hits, and some interested. One thing I really need to do is get some more users 

I’ve been adding a few new locations, which has helped test the system as a normal user would see it. I’d like to make voting better (more visible), and be able to find out who submitted a location (and get a list of locations THEY submitted). That would be nice, as it would allow me to do a top 10 submitter/quality list. Which can help spur people to submit MORE!

Thursday, March 13, 2003


So StationRipper kinda took off. Gave it to a friend or two, and they gave to some friends. Next thing I know, my ISP is telling me I'm maxing out my bandwidth. LOL.

Still not a lot of movement on getting people devices with GPS's and internet connections (walking around, at least). It just seems to make SENSE. Wish I was a hardware guy, as I bet there's some cash to be made with that combo.

So I'll probably not be working on AE for a bit. Going to focus on StationRipper, which is a lot of fun and getting a LOT of users!

Wednesday, March 12, 2003


I did some work on the web site today. Locations can be deleted. Fixed a Deg-Dec to DMS calc bug, and added the ability to enter locations in MinDec.

I also added some locations, and deleted some (hehehe, nice to have the new delete function).

Tried to submit something to Fark – the article got rejected (no surprise there *sigh*), but did get some traffic, mostly from total fark I’d imagine.

Sunday, March 9, 2003


Well, just submitted a request to SourceForge to add a project for AE clients. I’m NOT planning on open-sourcing the web site at this point, so I sure hope they’re cool with open-source clients. My plan is for all clients that I write will be open source, and available on both the main site and SourceForge. The whole goal here is to get other people writing cool applications, stuff I may even be thinking of. I’d love for someone to take IraqiAlert and function to it, or some up with some other new application. If I can achieve that, then the second stage can really be considered a success. Yeah, lots of users will be part of that success, but if I’m going to move forward, without getting and kind of investment cash, I’m going to need to rely heavily on other developers.

I can see this is already going to drain me dry – already spent $3K+ on hardware, hosting fees will just get to be more, and I’m must starting.

I pretty much have finished IraqiAlert! The web pages are done, the software works as well as it can (with me not having my laptop), the source code is all commented and pretty and I’ve uploaded that source in a zip to the main site (Woot!). I also did the various license pages and such, lots of fun. I need to really start looking around for a lawyer – going to need a corp, and need help with the legal stuff.

Friday, March 7, 2003

Released IA

I released IraqiAlert, or at least put it up on the site. I’m debating whether to try to a fark ad (“Going to Iraqi to help out Saddam? Make sure you know what area’s he’ll most appreciate you protecting!”). It would be nice to get hit a bit, I’m just sure getting fark’ed is the way to go :P

Tomorrow I’m going to take IraqiAlert, comment it, and then take that source and create a generic alert app. Basically get any group the user can access, and let them select which they are monitoring (more than one maybe?). That should be really quick, as IraqiAlert is doing 99% of what it needs to do, just needs to be more generic. Oh, and login I guess 

Then the next will be the “Enter” app, which will allow the user to enter applications. Then the PocketPC stuff. Hehe, just a bit more to go.

I did a bit of a load test tonight. Ran WebWacker against the domain, getting the Iraqi group list (all the locs, ~25K a pop). Ran it for 10 minutes, 5 wackers. It was able to hit it 5265 times (11 a second). I was also using the site, trying to do various things, while that was going on, and I couldn’t tell the difference (e.g., that (smallish) load wasn’t noticeable). I’m going to keep trying various things over the next week, to try to get a feel for what it can take. I was happy to see it didn’t hurt it much, under that load (way to go Active Host!).

I did notice some spikes. On just the AE Service, the base-line for running that transation is 16 milliseconds (that’s from the time the request first comes in to just before the response time is sent. Includes all DB access, login, access validation, XML creation). I see one instance where it took 1150 milli’s, and a handful at 250-400. That’s cutting out any kind of network latency, so it’s probably either the web server being busy or the database (as in… busy doing something other than AE). While Active Host will be able to handle the site for a while, if it takes off at all I’m either going to have to host myself (which I prefer) or get a (at least) better semi-dedicated server. The problem is, of course, I don’t have control over the equipment, so tracking problems is going to be tough.

Oh, and I also added “system” name to everything. Was a real pain in the ass, but I can see that as more software gets written, I’m going to want it (to tell where requests are coming from).

Tuesday, March 4, 2003

Laptop dead

Well, my brand new vpr Matrix died. I like it a lot, but it’s going to be ~2 weeks before I get it back, repaired. So I’m screwed trying to get things working around the yard, which is pissing me off to no end. I’m really close on the Iraqi alert program. Just needed to do some final testing and more options (like distance to look at, etc.) Don’t know what I’m going to do now. I was hoping to release it before the whole Iraqi war started, or right about that time (which looks to be now, or next week).

I may just release it, but not publish the fast as much as I’d like. *sigh* Oh well, thank you Best Buy :P

I’ve been researching PocketPC’s. I 99% sure that’s the next target platform. Lugging that PC around has been a pain in the ass, so I’d love to get it working. Only problem is, I can’t find a wireless network in Columbia. I’ve considering trying to use the lap top – get a Linksys DSL router w/ wireless, put the web server on the lap top, drive down town or wherever, power it off the car, and at least a temp wireless network going. A pain, but it might be worth it.

The actual location-aware stuff seems to work really well, I just don’t have the infrastructure to really test it out. Once I’ve got a few things working, I may take a trip to someplace that provides a really solid public network. Go to NY or the SF and map out part of the city. Basically get a guide book or history book and walk around, entering facts.

A new idea:

I could develop a War Driving application. People are already using wireless cards and a GPS to map nodes. I could use a AE to combine those two. Start a new group, let people enter info in (actually, Hehe, could just automatically generate the info when it detects a LAN it hasn’t seen before. Basically drive around, hit a new name. See if it’s on AE. If not, send it in). Then you could set in a mode that as you drive around, it tells you how far away the nearest point is. Could be a very cool demo of the technology, and I’d think people War Driving would be a good target audience.

Tuesday, February 18, 2003


Well, I had a bit of a break though today! Using the laptop, the wireless network around my house, the GPS device, and IraqiAlert, I was able to actually use AE to do location aware. I walked around the back yard and entered in what IraqiAlert said the lat/lon was via the web site. I then moved all those locs to the Beta Group and had IraqiAlert use that… and it worked!  It was able to distinguish between the back porch and the door to my back office.

Some issues:

- A know one, in that commercial GPS isn’t THAT exact. I need to do some more testing to get a handle on it. My biggest issue was, standing in one place for a while got several (close) results from the GPS device.
- I missed a decimal point in the DB (DOH!) which initially screwed things up (it couldn’t tell what was close, as missing that decimal makes everything look like miles I think). Fixed it.
- The VB has problems. Primary in the COM stuff I think (not a big shocker there). Need to play around with it some more.
- Using the laptop is a pain, as it’s big (known one)
- Need to get a simple data entry and current location program written

So, it went well over-all. Took about 1 ½ hours to correct some initial problems, but the last couple of tests went well. The biggest stopping point is the VB app at this point (hangs, not reading COM, et al).

Monday, February 17, 2003

Using it!

I’ve been annoyed with the image URL stuff. I had it set up that the image URL was the file name (which the web created based on what the user uploaded). The problem is, that’s kinda meaningless for everything that’s not the main site. Sooooo… I changed it to the full path and file name. Which works well – the web uses that for what it does. That is, it allows users to store images on the web site (handles the upload, et al). A external system could provide their own image repository, so the url would be to the actual image. I believe this fits with the basic philosophy. I may allow a extra thing to upload images the Web repository… or not. Have to see what happens.

I finally broke down and bought a lap top with some wireless stuff (Linksys wireless node). Cost around $3300, which sucks. I’ve been avoid large cash outlays on this stuff, but it’s just gotten to the point where I need to either put up or shut up :P

There are days when I really think I should just go ahead and get funding for this damn thing. I really don’t want to, as I’d like to keep the low-key, low cost way of running things. But I’d also like to be doing this more full time than I am now (work has been busy, which translates to not much time to work on AE).

Anyway, now that I have the laptop and the wireless stuff, I’m going to hook up the GPS and give it a try. I’ll do around the office to start with, and see if it works. While downtown Columbia doesn’t have a wireless network that I know of (USC might, but I don’t have access as of yet), it occurred to me I can run the web site on the laptop, for testing. I’m also going to write a “off-line” AE location entry thing, but I really need to be testing how the real, connected location aware stuff works.

Tuesday, February 11, 2003

Iraqi Alert!

I had a link to the Iraqi weapons list up on Slashdot, so got some real traffic for a bit in the last week. Was useful, both to see that the system was able to handle the (still small) load, and to increase the stats (I now have transaction time and host IP address logged).

I’ve also moved away from doing attributes for each node and am instead doing elements. It really doesn’t matter that much from code, but it’s MUCH more human readable, and makes more sense I think.

I’m trying to do the Iraqi alert program in VB (wanted to do MFC as that would be quicker for me to develop, but I really need to use the M$ API’s to do this stuff for the sample, as most people won’t have or want to get WFC) and that’s going ok. Got it getting the guest account and logging in, and I’ve written a wrapper to get the data.

I think this app is just going to get the GPS coord (I think I’m going to use marshallsoft’s GPS stuff to do it, as it’s simple), then get a FindNear around that coord for the Iraqi Weapons group. If it gets a hit, it’ll show the pic and a message. It will need to keep track of past hits (so it doesn’t keep repeating – probably only show the alert for the same location once a hour or something like that), and then allow for simulation – hehehe, not many people will be able to actually BE in Iraqi to see it work, so I’ll let the user enter in a test loc – or pick from the list of known weapon sites. I’ll also be adding my office loc in, so I can FINALLY…. FINALLLY!!! See this thing do something location aware. I’m going to need to get a wireless hub, and possibly a laptop to do it, but damit I want to see this thing WORK!

Wednesday, February 5, 2003

More apps...

Well, I went ahead and combined list and group. It went REALLY well. Just by doing it, and using it, I think I made the right choice. The example I’m working on is the Iraqi list. It was annoying, in random locations for example, to get one of those up. Most people aren’t going to be interested in those in any practical sense. So I did the mod, and also added forum link (so you talk about the group by click on the link).

I’ve been thinking of the next app to write. I’d really like to take advantage of the Iraqi Weapons (in that type of thing is news worthy). So I’m thinking of skipping some of the other apps I was going to work on. The problem with it is I’m under a bit of a time constraint. If I can get something show able done before the next war starts, then it’s at least *possible* I could make a splash with it. Soo..

I was thinking of making a kinda silly application, a “Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction” detector. Basically make it really pretty, only deal with group 2 (which is now the Iraqi group). Have it:

- Interface to a GPS on COMx
- Interface to AE. Don’t do any login, get groups, get countries, et al., just GetNear().
- If one of the locations is within say 300 feet (might be changeable?) then pop a big warning. Might even try to parse the text to figure it out what it is (bio, chem., nuke, et al).
- Might also bring up a pic if it’s available.

Actually, that gave me an idea. Might want to be able to put “keyword” in for apps to be able to deal with locations in ways I haven’t, via category, dealt with. I’m certainly not going to put in Bio-hazard in categories, but if the key word “BIO” is in the location, then the app could deal with it different. This wouldn’t be usable for normal public groups, but would be for private stuff (So I tour could show a different graphic based on the type of building or something)

Anyway, that SHOULD be fairly easy to do. I could slam something like that out in MFC pretty quick. VB a bit longer, but I could get some skin stuff which would be nice (The MFC one I already have working, and can access the GPS and AE without problem. Going to have to figure out how to do that under VB).

Tuesday, February 4, 2003

Lists and Groups

So, I’ve been thinking about this. I have category, group, and now list. Category is what it is, list is kinda Meta level (like… a location is a restaurant, but a list could be a list of McDonalds). Group is just my way of selling private space at some point (money being a good thing).

It seems to me I just might want to collapse list and group together. So there would be a public group called “McDonalds”, and people would use that to enter in stuff. That way, when they search, they can also use that info.

Sunday, February 2, 2003

Going well

Wow, coming along nice now. I added the hyperlink thing, DMS to DegDec and back again conversions (a BIG one, most other sites that do GPS force you to enter one or the other – even though I store everything in DegDec, the user can enter and view either way). I also fixed a problem with photo’s not updating correctly (was getting added ok, but the name was being blanked out on update of the loc if the user didn’t update the photo), and some general clean up. It’s getting really close to “done”, at least for V1.0 of the web site.

Oh, and I also added lists. There’s two now, Columbia and the Iraqi thing. The cool thing is, the table they display in shows the name, map, loc/lat and… the picture, which is kinda neat looking.

One of the big web-things I need to do is enter and use locations. Some of the mods I’m working on now (DMS/DegDec) are related to just using the site and figuring out better ways to do things. LOTS of DB’s of locs use DMS, like the Iraqi thing, so it’s much easier to be able to enter either way. I think I’m going to finish that list up, which should help me understand what else I need to do to make the web site usable (like, if you click on a country other than “USA” have it auto-select “not-usa” in the city list, stuff like that, that makes the site nicer to use).

At this point, assuming I don’t find any major issues with the web site while using it, I’m probably going to finish entering the data and then move on to the other apps.

The first will be updating the MFC application. It was talking to the old ASP/VBScript AE site ok, so moving it to the new shouldn’t be that hard.

After that, I’ll be doing the VB sample app. And then trying to use both in the field on a laptop and wireless (If I can FIND wireless access in Columbia, damit). Enter in data, get a feel for how someone in the field would both enter data and do the loc aware stuff (finally!)

After I’m done with that, on the PocketPC and Palm.

The big question now is, when do I start publishing the web site? I could do it now, but I realize it’s important for this stuff to be there and “real” before I get users, or else I could end pissing people off and never get them back 

I think, once I’ve got a bunch more data entered, and the MFC and VB apps have tested in the field for a bit, that will be the point to do it. Probably try to hit a few GPS forums and get some interest. After I get a few people on it, I can put the Iraqi list as a article on Fark – if I phrase it right it should get posted, and that alone should drive a BUNCH of traffic to the site (maybe too much). While most will just play with the list (a good enough test in and of itself), a % will be into GPS and might start using the tech.

Anyway, I’m pretty happy with how things are moving now. I’m starting to actually get a feeling of finishing a piece FINALLY, after like 1.5 years. That’s one thing that’s been really hard on this project - that it’s just so damn big and I never feel like I’m getting anywhere (and will never finish). That gets frustrating after a while :P

More apps

Whelp, I got the MFC app up and running again. It turned out to not be a big deal. It was already using the (old) ASMX, so it was mostly a matter of updating a few param issues, some fixes (like… it wasn’t showing or using Country Code), etc. It seems to work pretty well, even though I still need to re-test with the Garmin. I also added a debug check box, so you can use whatever’s on COM1 as the source of Lat/Lon, or the “debug” mode of the layer I wrote (which will try to get a Lat/Lon string from a file on c:/ or will default one on return).

So, I now need to clean it up a bit and get it on the site. Then I’ll be starting on the VB application. I’m thinking as soon as both of those are done, I’m going to get the laptop out, get a wireless network up and running locally, and test with that. I’d like to actually SEE the location aware stuff work. You know, walk around, and have the laptop beep when I get near the mailbox, telling me I’m next to it, WTF don’t you check it? Beep when it gets near a tree in the front yard, telling me what kind of tree it is, etc.

Sunday, January 26, 2003


REALLY got off from what I was planning on doing today. The split is complete, the web doesn’t use ANY DB stuff anymore (Wahoo!). Instead, there’s a new internal service that just the web uses, that can be used signup and validate a new user. It was kinda a pain, but it looks like it all works ok.

One other thing I’ve been aware I needed was some kind of logging. This is mostly to be able to track what’s going on, but also to be able to eventually be able to “roll back” actions. I’ve created a new logging class that can log to the DB (well, it logs to the DB ATM, in the future that could be a file, event log, whatever). Anyway, it shows the type of msg (location, login, logoff, etc.) and if it’s a log action, the type (add, delete, view, update, etc.). I’ve just added it into the “happy” paths, but it works pretty good. I will need to scale this up and down. If I’m not having a lot of trouble on and have more users, don’t really need to see every “CanAccess” and “view” action that happens.

Oh, and this is all inside of the Location Service, so both the web and external systems will be hitting it.


I sat down to start work on “Lists” today, but ended up splitting the project up. It’s become a real pain to have to modify the service, because it’s in the same project. As is the DB stuff. All in one thing.

So, I’ve split it into three, the DB, Service, and Web. Which is how it’s been logically for some time now, it’s just nice to have it physically split. I’ve also moved the service to AEServiceLocation\Location.asmx instead of Service\Location.asxm, and updated everything to use that. Glad no one is writing against this stuff (will they ever? Hehehe).

Oh, I also got the forums up last night, both for AE and Ratajik Software. Once I get some people using the tech, it’ll be a place to talk about it.

Now that the project is split up, I’ve decided to remove the last piece of AE Web site that has DB in it, new user registration. So the web site will use a service to do this – but not the public one. I’m going to write a “Internal Admin” one or something like that. The only deal is, it really should only ever be used by the AE Web Site, so I need to figure out a way to deal with that. I may be able to look at the incoming IP for the request, or may do something stupid like just obfuscate it.

Sunday, January 19, 2003

ASP Sample

Well, kinda made a breakthrough today. Nothing really big if you know that the web site is already doing this in a much bigger way, but its nice to see something else using the tech

At, I’ve written a little ASP program that uses the Web Service to get a list of locs around a lat/lon and # of miles. While I’ve done this from MFC/WFC before, this is the first time it’s been done from ASP/VBScript. I’ve released the source, to show a simple example of how to use AE. It really IS simple, and easy to use, which is what I’m going for.

Thursday, January 16, 2003


Let’s see – added “advanced” search, which ended up being semi-hacky. Also put removed the security stuff from the sp’s (Woot! That’s one I really wanted to do – all security is now in the Service layer, which is working really well). And did some general cleanup (fonts, size, column widths, etc).

Not much big stuff to do. I think the first client I’ll be doing is actually going to be a little VB ASP page. Do something like “Show me what’s near me” or something, just a couple of fields and a button, with a simple table list on return.

Oddly enough, I’m really doing a remote web site already. Most of the time, when I’m running from home, if I’m not doing anything with the DB or service, my local web site is actually using the domain to get the web service. Kinda cool, shows that the AE web site really IS the first client.

I also am ready to physically move the DB and Service to a separate project. Adding a param or function to the service is a pain enough, without it being in the sample compile.

Wednesday, January 15, 2003


I finished up adding a photo to a location. Works pretty well, I think. May do some more (need to preview photo when adding, and have a way to delete it). It’s a really nice feature, makes the whole thing look a LOT nice (plus it’s very cool :P)

More thoughts on doing stuff with AE - I was wondering if there's be a way to post my last loc, and Ron and Paul could do the same - and if we came withing X feet of each other, it would do alert. Seems like there's a lot of stuff that could be done in that direction. Don't know how viable that would be with a lot of users - would need to filter in some way.

Tuesday, January 14, 2003


Well, finished version #1 of voting, after the gym tonight. Did the db, service, and web work. Went fairly well – it’s nice to see the infrastructure handling all this new stuff. I haven’t had to make any real design or architecture changes in a while (so it’s kinda jelling, I thing. Woot!) One thing that’s still there that needs to get pulled is a *little* bit of security in the sp’s. I’ve pulled all that up to the Service layer, but the findNearLoc call still checks that the user can access the loc (by group and such), which sucks and needs to be changed.

Got (and they rock so much I can’t believe it) to make a dir writeable, and I’ve figured out how to upload images. I’m a bit beat tonight, so that will probably be done this weekend (so photo’s for locs will be done).

Anyway. It’s really starting to come together, at least for the web and service layer. I have a huge amount to do still, which is daunting, but it’s nice to have at least once piece nearing completing (LOL, one year later).

Site up

Well, is up and available. Kinda nice to have the real site up. I had some initial problems with the database, but it’s all working very nicely now. I’ve been in clean-up mode on the web. Adding mapping (Yahoo, TerraServer, Mapquest links), general screen cleanup, and adding some new functionality (put in the plumbing and web page to do “my locations”). Probably want to do a pop-up on findloc, listing that, Also need to put delete in on the view location page (hehehe, needing that lot right now, trying to get clean locs in). Also am now doing sortable columns on the data grid.

I also got the user registration (email-based verification) working, put in the about, intro, and dev text.

Two big ones I’d like soon are adding a picture of a location. Still thinking about it – might put in the DB, or upload to a file. Need to see what .NET facilitates best, as I don’t want to have to screw with it much. ‘Course that also means I really need to put user limits on # of locs and picture K or something.

So, it’s going pretty good. I still need to add a new “Find Loc” (one that will search around a city/state/etc., as it’s all loc based now). Yeah, I know, that’s the point of this system, but I’m leaning towards allowing the AE web site to also be a general repository of GPS coords and info.

I’m really hoping to be done with the web (this version, at least), really soon now. I need to “fix” the MFC app, then do a C# client and a VB client. THEN on to PocketPC (99% sure that’s my next target, as I don’t want to have to muck with learning how to program the pilot right now).

I also need to get some more locations in the DB. There’s a few public repositories of locations out there, I’d like to start gathering a list of some good ones and enter them. I’ll also start getting more Columbia locs as I can.