Saturday, June 22, 2002


Work got busy, so I haven’t had a lot of time to work on AE. I *DID* release a piece of Shareware, LEM (Live Event Monitor, which is very handy – I’m using it all the time at work now 

I’ve actually been doing a fair amount of .NET stuff for work. Odd… I learned .Net for AE, which I had to stop to do for work (which is going very quickly as I kinda know .NET now), which is going to help with AE (as work has made me know it much better).

This evening I put together signup, login, and the main screen (flowed around the logo, looks pretty neat). I also Improved FindLoc, and added a View Loc screen. I’ve also moved the correct selection of locs, so it limits what users can see what locs, down into the stored procs. So, when you say “find a the locs 1000 feet from x,y) the stored proc itself will only return those locs that the user is allowed to see, by user group).